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S2 Matrappar Developed Sustainable Tourism at Ekasari Village, Jembrana

S2 Matrappar Developed Sustainable Tourism at Ekasari Village, Jembrana

Participated by the Head and Secretary of Ekasari Village, Melaya District, Jembrana Regency, the Applied Master in Tourism Business Planning, Tourism Department, Politeknik Negeri Bali held community service of DIPA PNB (Regular Scheme) in the village from 7 to 9 October 2023. These activities are done in collaboration with the Pokdarwis (Tourism Awareness Group) of Ekasari Village as a service partner. Entitled “Ekasari Tourism Village, Jembrana Regency, towards Sustainable Tourism”, they were attended by 17 members of the village’s Pokdarwis at the village hall office.

The Head of Ekasari Village, I Gede Puja, in his speech stated that he really appreciated this activity. He also expressed his gratitude to the Tourism Department Politeknik Negeri Bali, especially the Matrappar Study Program for consistently participating in developing Ekasari Village as a tourist village. Previously, with a slightly different tourism theme, community service activities in this village were held on July 7 and 8. According to the Head of the Service Committee, Prof Ni Made Ernawati MATM, PhD, such activities with an emphasis on sustainable tourism (sustainable development) were held based on a survey and understanding that Ekasari Village needs to embody sustainable tourism in its business practices today and in the future as part of the big theme of sustainable development. “Apart from being a necessity for Ekasari Village in carrying out its tourism practices, sustainable tourism is a tourism development paradigm which is generally called green tourism on the Politeknik Negeri Bali campus, so that there is a connection between real needs in the village and campus expertise,” he said enthusiastically.

This program featured Prof. Ernawati herself as a speaker for outreach and training with the sub-theme “ecological, economic and socio-cultural aspects in the development of sustainable tourism in tourist villages”. I Gusti Agung Mirah Sanjiwani S.Tr.Par, M.Par gave material on “digital marketing for tourist villages”. Assisted by Drs. I Wayan Basi Arjana MITHM, Tuti Trisnayanti, S.Tr.Par presented the problem and solution “effectiveness of bookkeeping and finance through Excel to support tourist villages”. From the Politeknik Negeri Bali campus, several Matrappar students from generation 4 (Gen4 Matrappers) were actively involved in it, including tourism planning expert Tofan Rachmat Yulianto ST. [dum].

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